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About the Book

Un espeleologo regresa a su país después de veinte años, organizado una expedición de espeleologos y antiguos militares con el propósito de esconder o destruir algo que encontraron en una caverna muchos años antes, para evitar que caiga en manos del gobierno. Para eso necesitan entrar clandestinamente armas y explosivos. Entre pinceladas históricas y de política se desarrolla la acción. Encontrando cavernas militares con contenido secreto. Una vez terminada la operación, necesitan abandonar el lugar para evitar caer prisioneros. Se agudiza la tensión al tratar de huir por mar encontrándose en medio de combates con fuerzas militares del gobierno.

A speleologist returns to his country after twenty years, organizing an expedition of speleologists and former soldiers with the purpose of hiding or destroying something they found in a cave many years before, to prevent it from falling into the hands of the government. For that, they need to clandestinely enter weapons and explosives. Between historical and political touches the action develops. Finding military caverns with secret content. Once the operation is over, they need to leave the place to avoid becoming prisoners. Tension worsens as they try to flee by sea and find themselves in the middle of combat with government military forces.

Caves, The Unknown & The Will

A speleologist returns to his country after twenty years, organizing an expedition of speleologists and former military personnel with the purpose of hiding or destroying something they found in a cave many years before, to prevent it from falling into the hands of the government. To do this, they need to smuggle in weapons and explosives. Amidst historical and political nuances, the action unfolds. They find military caves with secret contents. Once the operation is completed, they need to leave the area to avoid being captured. Tension heightens as they try to escape by sea, finding themselves in the middle of battles with government military forces.