Annie Lilypod in the Time Zone

Marie Angel Bethel

Annie Lilypod in the Time Zone is related to all children over the world migrating to another country such as Canada, United States, etc. It might be difficult for them to adjust in that society; and sometimes they suffered from cultural shock. Encountering different nations of children, and it may take them quite a while to settle down. It must have taken Annie a while to adjust, but she did.

My daughter Shantal Franklin had suffered a bit from cultural shock and it took a while to adjust to this new environment, it was quite difficult at first, but she finally settled down and graduate with honors. Being with children of different nationality, it must have been anxious to be among new surroundings, and new friends. Moreover, viewing modernized equipment, bright lights, busy wide roads, and other things you’re not used too can be quite confusing; but finally you will settle down.