THE SWARM by Jeff Freeman


Their “Three Gorges Project” engineering masterpiece hasn’t gone as well as the world was told on CNN by the Communist Party. A disaster would be a more accurate description. Furthermore, an environmental disaster as well. The rice growing region has been decimated for years to come accounting for nearly 20% of their own rice output and India cannot make up the shortfall.

This translates to 400 million Chinese with no rice to eat. Three retired US Navy Seals were hired to swim into the fjords along the south coast of China’s rugged shorelines to recon the activities there which are beyond the eyes of US satellites above. What the Seals discover and photograph and return to a fishing junk, then transmit back to a secret facility in South America, is the evidence needed to begin plans for retaliation. A major theft and resulting world war would begin. Great Britain’s family would abdicate their throne as a result. The Middle East would be shocked. Washington D.C. would be partially cleansed of graft and a “Countervailing Force” would manifest itself somewhere, somehow. But who, or what is it?